Upcoming Events

October 3, 2014 -

We are happy to announce several upcoming Flink events both in Europe and the US. Starting with a Flink hackathon in Stockholm (Oct 8-9) and a talk about Flink at the Stockholm Hadoop User Group (Oct 8). This is followed by the very first Flink Meetup in Berlin (Oct 15). In the US, there will be two Flink Meetup talks: the first one at the Pasadena Big Data User Group (Oct 29) and the second one at Silicon Valley Hands On Programming Events (Nov 4). ...

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Apache Flink 0.6.1 available

September 26, 2014 -

We are happy to announce the availability of Flink 0.6.1. 0.6.1 is a maintenance release, which includes minor fixes across several parts of the system. We suggest all users of Flink to work with this newest version. Download the release today.

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Apache Flink 0.6 available

August 26, 2014 -

We are happy to announce the availability of Flink 0.6. This is the first release of the system inside the Apache Incubator and under the name Flink. Releases up to 0.5 were under the name Stratosphere, the academic and open source project that Flink originates from. What is Flink? # Apache Flink is a general-purpose data processing engine for clusters. It runs on YARN clusters on top of data stored in Hadoop, as well as stand-alone. ...

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