Introducing Stream Windows in Apache Flink

December 4, 2015 -

The data analysis space is witnessing an evolution from batch to stream processing for many use cases. Although batch can be handled as a special case of stream processing, analyzing never-ending streaming data often requires a shift in the mindset and comes with its own terminology (for example, “windowing” and “at-least-once”/”exactly-once” processing). This shift and the new terminology can be quite confusing for people being new to the space of stream processing. ...

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Flink 0.10.1 released

November 27, 2015 -

Today, the Flink community released the first bugfix release of the 0.10 series of Flink. We recommend all users updating to this release, by bumping the version of your Flink dependencies and updating the binaries on the server. Issues fixed # [FLINK-2879] - Links in documentation are broken [FLINK-2938] - Streaming docs not in sync with latest state changes [FLINK-2942] - Dangling operators in web UI's program visualization (non-deterministic) [FLINK-2967] - TM address detection might not always detect the right interface on slow networks / overloaded JMs [FLINK-2977] - Cannot access HBase in a Kerberos secured Yarn cluster [FLINK-2987] - Flink 0. ...

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Announcing Apache Flink 0.10.0

November 16, 2015 -

The Apache Flink community is pleased to announce the availability of the 0.10.0 release. The community put significant effort into improving and extending Apache Flink since the last release, focusing on data stream processing and operational features. About 80 contributors provided bug fixes, improvements, and new features such that in total more than 400 JIRA issues could be resolved. For Flink 0.10.0, the focus of the community was to graduate the DataStream API from beta and to evolve Apache Flink into a production-ready stream data processor with a competitive feature set. ...

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Off-heap Memory in Apache Flink and the curious JIT compiler

September 16, 2015 -

Running data-intensive code in the JVM and making it well-behaved is tricky. Systems that put billions of data objects naively onto the JVM heap face unpredictable OutOfMemoryErrors and Garbage Collection stalls. Of course, you still want to to keep your data in memory as much as possible, for speed and responsiveness of the processing applications. In that context, “off-heap” has become almost something like a magic word to solve these problems. ...

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Announcing Flink Forward 2015

September 3, 2015 -

Flink Forward 2015 is the first conference with Flink at its center that aims to bring together the Apache Flink community in a single place. The organizers are starting this conference in October 12 and 13 from Berlin, the place where Apache Flink started. The conference program has been announced by the organizers and a program committee consisting of Flink PMC members. The agenda contains talks from industry and academia as well as a dedicated session on hands-on Flink training. ...

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Apache Flink 0.9.1 available

September 1, 2015 -

The Flink community is happy to announce that Flink 0.9.1 is now available. 0.9.1 is a maintenance release, which includes a lot of minor fixes across several parts of the system. We suggest all users of Flink to work with this latest stable version. Download the release and [check out the documentation]({{ }}). Feedback through the Flink mailing lists is, as always, very welcome! The following issues were fixed for this release: ...

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Introducing Gelly: Graph Processing with Apache Flink

August 24, 2015 -

This blog post introduces Gelly, Apache Flink’s graph-processing API and library. Flink’s native support for iterations makes it a suitable platform for large-scale graph analytics. By leveraging delta iterations, Gelly is able to map various graph processing models such as vertex-centric or gather-sum-apply to Flink dataflows. Gelly allows Flink users to perform end-to-end data analysis in a single system. Gelly can be seamlessly used with Flink’s DataSet API, which means that pre-processing, graph creation, analysis, and post-processing can be done in the same application. ...

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Announcing Apache Flink 0.9.0

June 24, 2015 -

The Apache Flink community is pleased to announce the availability of the 0.9.0 release. The release is the result of many months of hard work within the Flink community. It contains many new features and improvements which were previewed in the 0.9.0-milestone1 release and have been polished since then. This is the largest Flink release so far. Download the release and check out the documentation. Feedback through the Flink mailing lists is, as always, very welcome! ...

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April 2015 in the Flink community

May 14, 2015 -

April was an packed month for Apache Flink. Flink runner for Google Cloud Dataflow # A Flink runner for Google Cloud Dataflow was announced. See the blog posts by data Artisans and the Google Cloud Platform Blog. Google Cloud Dataflow programs can be written using and open-source SDK and run in multiple backends, either as a managed service inside Google’s infrastructure, or leveraging open source runners, including Apache Flink. Flink 0. ...

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Juggling with Bits and Bytes

May 11, 2015 -

How Apache Flink operates on binary data # Nowadays, a lot of open-source systems for analyzing large data sets are implemented in Java or other JVM-based programming languages. The most well-known example is Apache Hadoop, but also newer frameworks such as Apache Spark, Apache Drill, and also Apache Flink run on JVMs. A common challenge that JVM-based data analysis engines face is to store large amounts of data in memory - both for caching and for efficient processing such as sorting and joining of data. ...

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